• Dhaka
  • 29 April, 2024

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Air pollution is on the rise in the capital

Newsofdhaka24.com ; Published: Monday, 31 January, 2022, 08:33 PM
Air pollution

Regarding air pollution in Dhaka, the director of Aps, Professor Ahmed Kamruzzaman Majumder said that the average amount of air pollution has increased by 9.6 percent in 2021 as compared to 2020..

Therefore, in January 2022, the 25-day hot air index reached 219.52..

In a press conference, it was informed that in 2021, the most polluted place in Dhaka city was in Tejgaon area. 60 micro grams per cubic meter..

The press conference outlined 15 short, medium and long term recommendations for overcoming the dangers of air pollution..

During the customs season, the City Corporation Fire Service and Asa and the coordination of the Department of Environment, Dhaka city should make arrangements to sprinkle water every 2 to 3 hours every day..

Suction trucks will be used to collect dust on the road..

The construction site will be covered with boundaries during construction work..

 Need to control private cars and cars without fitness..

 To use technology alternatives to stop illegal brick kilns..

 Streams need to be conserved around Dhaka..

Lots of trees need to be planted in the capital..

 Different bicycle lanes have to be arranged..

 Alternative arrangements have to be made for burning in the brick kiln..

 Clean Air Act 2019 needs to be implemented as soon as possible..

 With the introduction of city governance, developmental activities of service organizations need to be completed quickly in a short period of time..

 We need to raise awareness on environmental protection..

 The traffic system needs to be further improved.

 We need to create more awareness and air more information based programs on air pollution..

 Environmental cadre service and environmental court will have to move and activities..

If we abide by the rules of the press conference, we will be able to make a beautiful environment capital together, "said MS Siddiqui, a member of Bappa's executive committee.. .

Newsofdhaka24.com / News Desk

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